Eukaryotic Glutathione Peroxidase 3, Plasma (GPX3)

Product No.: EPC992Hu61

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Eukaryotic Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (VEGFR2)

Product No.: EPB367Hu61

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Eukaryotic Immunoglobulin Lambda (Igl)

Product No.: EPG160Hu61

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Eukaryotic Heart-type Fatty Acid Binding Protein (H-FABP)

Product No.: EPB243Hu61

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Eukaryotic Pulmonary Surfactant Associated Protein A1 (SFTPA1)

Product No.: EPA890Hu61

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Eukaryotic Apolipoprotein A1 (APOA1)

Product No.: EPA519Mu61

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Eukaryotic Cluster Of Differentiation 42b (CD42b)

Product No.: EPB108Hu61

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Eukaryotic Granzyme A (GZMA)

Product No.: EPA599Hu51

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Eukaryotic Cluster Of Differentiation 14 (CD14)

Product No.: EPA685Hu62

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Eukaryotic Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b)

Product No.: EPA563Hu61

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

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