- Proteins:
- Recombinant proteins/RP
- Eukaryotic proteins/EP
- Active proteins/AP
- Natural proteins/NP
- Synthetic peptides/SP
- Conjugated small molecules/CP
- Modified proteins/MP
- Antibodies:
- Polyclonal antibodies/PA
- Monoclonal antibodies/MA
- Recombinant antibodies/RA
- Labelled antibodies/LA
- Secondary antibodies/SA
- Flow-cytometry antibodies/FA
- Control antibodies/CA
- AssayKits:
- Sandwich ELISA/SE
- Competition ELISA/CE
- High-sensitive ELISA/HE
- Wide-range ELISA/WE
- Instant ELISA/IE
- Sandwich CLIA/SC
- Competition CLIA/CC
- Multiplex (FLIA)/LM
Extraction of Total DNA from Human TE-1 Esophageal Carcinoma Cells (TE-1)
Product No.: ESI218Hu11
Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)
Extraction of Total DNA from Human Embryonic Kidney Epithelial Cells (EKC)
Product No.: ESI234Hu13
Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)
Extraction of Total RNA from Human Breast Cancer Cells (BCC)
Product No.: ESI211Hu22
Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)